
So what is mew anyway?

Ok... I'm going to waffle a bit...

Kitty has been appearing in my lecture notes for some time, occasionally giving tips about the solutions to second order differential equations, sometimes expressing opinions on the value (or lack of value) of probability and statistics to the average housecat.

Loving the feline race as I do, I couldn't help but feel uplifted whenever I drew Kitty, and Kitty's own thoughts became optimistic in reflection to my own feelings... Which led to the formation of a character which is never sad, pesssimistic or cynical...

Which probably leads to the question "what is funny about a cat thats always happy?"...

Kitty was never intented to be amazingly outlandishly witty... But also it doesn't pretend to be something it's not. The only dialogue is Kitty's own thoughts... and in many cases the "joke" is based on the alternative veiwpoints Kitty expresses - or the idea that a cat would be so sophisitcated in it's introspections.

Above all, the point of having a cartoon that is only ever optimistic is to give me a little emotional boost. If I'm ever feeling "not so good" I can sketch a quick picture of Kitty, write something a little optimistic as Kitty's thoughts... And then read it a few times till I understand and accept Kitty's veiwpoint, and in doing so, become slightly happier.

(..and yes, i agree that sounds a little schitzophrenic of me...)

I'd like to hope Kitty has the same effect on at least some of the people who read it...
Or at least the some people will find it occasionally funny.

(...plus if you want something a little more emotionally and philosophicly balanced than mew, the darker side of my personality will get a webcomic hopefully soon...)

So now I'll answer that question at the top of the page. What is mew anyway?
Mew is a webcomic, updated daily (at midnight GMT), chronicling the thoughts and adventures of Kitty.

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